We are a progressive interfaith community where we accept all people without judgement and who desire to work and worship as a community striving for social justice

Given Up on Going to Church? We Understand
If you understand that faith is a matter of mind as well as heart, and that taking the Bible seriously means it cannot be taken literally...
If you know that all persons, no matter their gender, race or sexual identity deserve equal rights...
If, for you, diversity, tolerance and inclusiveness are strengths to be taught...
If you believe that we are all connected to one another such that we seek to visibly be nothing less than global citizens, that the social expression of love is justice, and that spiritual concerns are inseparable from commitment to the natural world...
If you've wished for a more open and embracing community of faith to nurture your spirit and raise your children, and haven't yet found a place of belonging...
Then we warmly invite you to visit us at:
The Emerging Church…. originally known as the Community Christian Church of Springfield
Dr. Roger Ray and David Ketchum, Co-Pastors
Pastor Rev. Dr. Roger L. Ray welcomes you to join us online.
1015 E 13th Square
Vero Beach, FL 32960